Business Valuation
Firstly, it’s important to understand the difference between Value and Most Probable Selling Price (MPSP). Briefly, the MPSP is the price which represents total consideration of the business including compulsion on the part of the buyer or seller. This number can be vastly different to the fair market value of a business when no underlying motivations are at play.
For example, two identical businesses for sale where one owner has health concerns.
Secondly, there are many ways to calculate the MPSP, Percentage of Annual Sales, Value of the assets, a multiple of net income, a multiple of EBITDA, a multiple of SDE, net present value of projected cash flow, etc.
Selling Process
How do I sell my company? This is the most common question that business owners face. One misconception is that selling a business is similar to selling real estate – it’s not! Selling a business is more like planning a wedding. There are many stakeholders involved who all have opinions, and sometimes conflicting agendas, which is why we’ve developed a five phase process that gets you across the finish line. We make the process, simple, straightforward, and efficient by sharing with your our experience and best practices to help you avoid very costly and painful mistakes.
Business Valuation
Firstly, it's important to understand the difference between Value and Most Probable Selling Price (MPSP). Briefly, the MPSP is the price which represents total consideration of the business including compulsion on the part of the buyer or seller. This number can be vastly different to the fair market value of a business when no underlying motivations are at play.
For example, two identical businesses for sale where one owner has health concerns.
Secondly, there are many ways to calculate the MPSP, Percentage of Annual Sales, Value of the assets, a multiple of net income, a multiple of EBITDA, a multiple of SDE, net present value of projected cash flow, etc.
How do I sell my company? This is the most common question that business owners face. One misconception is that selling a business is similar to selling real estate - it's not! Selling a business is more like planning a wedding. There are many stakeholders involved who all have opinions, and sometimes conflicting agendas, which is why we've developed a five phase process that gets you across the finish line. We make the process, simple, straightforward, and efficient by sharing with your our experience and best practices to help you avoid very costly and painful mistakes.
The most difficult thing is the decision to act. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward." - Amelia Earheart
Business brokers bring a tremendous amount of value to a deal for all parties. A good broker will save you thousands of dollars, expedite the sale process, reduce your headaches and stress levels and the amount of time you spend screening potential buyers.